

The Server application allows to choose possible clients and to select which group of information generated in the Flight Simulator is sent. The above mentioned application also allows to know, in real time,that data
are being transmitted to every client.



We have implemented three safety levels:


1. Provided by the own VPN by means of the encapsulación protocol IPSec and the encryption protocol MS CHAP v2.

2. Provided by the Server application which only allows the connection to Clients (connected before to the VPN) that are in the allowed Clients list.

3. If the Client fulfills the previous requirements, it will receive only the kind of data that the Server application considers to be useful for it.




























To begin, it must request the VPN connection with the VPN Server placed in the Flight Simulator Laboratory.






















Once the communication process is established, it should request the connection to the Server application in order to start the information transmission process.


























Flight Simulator Connection Project

1.1 Server Main Menu
1.2VPN Connection Apply
1.4 Client Connection Apply
1.3 Transmission Example